Please, Make Our Schools Safe Again


Last night, I received an email from my daughter’s school board.

Evidently, law enforcement had discovered a threat on social media.

It didn’t name a specific school, but they tracked the student who posted it and that student has been detained.

But it doesn’t make it any less scary.

These days, the news is scary.

School is scary.

Being a student is scary.

Being a teacher is scary.

Being a parent is scary.

When I was a student, school seemed safe.

Now we drop our kids off in the morning and pray that they are safe and sound when we pick them up in the afternoon.

This isn’t a political message.

But there is a problem.

And it needs to be solved.

Everybody is worried about the safety of their kids, politics aside.

This is no way to live.

Home schooling sounds more appealing every day.

Please, make our schools safe again.

Chris McMullen, Ph.D.

Parent, Teacher, Author, Lifetime Student