Kindle Unlimited Per-page Rate Back Up for August, 2017

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Good news: The per-page rate for Kindle Unlimited bounced back up to $0.00419 per page for August, 2017.

It had dropped down to $0.004034 for July, 2017, which was right on the cusp of dipping below $0.004 for the first time ever.

So it’s nice to see it rise back up a bit. It nearly returned to the rate for June, 2017, which was $0.004223.

Of course, it’s all relative. The per-page rate was very close to $0.005 back in February and steadily declined from March thru July.

So it’s also nice to see August at least temporarily break the trend of declining per-page rates.

Also, remember that Amazon KDP introduced KENPC v3.0 just recently.

The KDP Select Global Fund also hit a record high, $19.4 million for August, 2017.

The global fund has steadily risen over a period of years, which shows a strong and growing Kindle Unlimited program.

Copyright © 2017

Chris McMullen

10 comments on “Kindle Unlimited Per-page Rate Back Up for August, 2017

  1. When they came out with version 3, my KENP changed from 984 to 848; I didn’t do anything. It’s a much lower number multiplied by a lower number than a year ago, so it is a significantly smaller payout per read. It seems a big jump for a straight novel, no enhancements, just text.

    • That is significant. I’m sorry to hear that. I’m not sure how they adjusted the KENPC, and regret that it doesn’t seem to reward a long work with pure text, but I suspect that a few people were taking advantage of the previous KENPC. Thank you for sharing how v3.0 affected your book. I hope your book finds more readers to help make up the difference.

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