Ever cheat on your… MUSE?


Writers: Ever cheat on your muse?

So all your talents see good use.

Bored of writing the same old thing,

You and a new muse have a fling.

It’s a dangerous game to play,

Get caught and you will rue the day.

But your new muse is so much fun,

And great stories come by the ton.

Until your old muse finds you out,

Then you endure your lover’s spout.

You recall the great times you shared,

With the first one who ever cared.

The two muses team together,

Make your words suffer bad weather.

A real bad case of writer’s block,

Spend all day staring at the clock.

Until a third muse comes along,

Whose ideas can do no wrong.

Your books have never done so well,

The writing’s like a magic spell.

But your old muses are upset;

So even they intend to get.

They sneak in and ruin your work;

Your third muse now thinks you’re a jerk.

Again your writing’s in a rut,

Contact with muses is sealed shut.

You’ve no idea what to do,

If only you could find a clue.

You write about your three muses,

And all of their crazy ruses.

This book becomes a bestseller.

You’re a really lucky feller.

Copyright © 2014 Chris McMullen

By chrismcmullen Posted in poem Tagged

Every Author Should Try out this cool PULP-O-MIZER


I saw Pride’s Children pulp-o-mized at Alicia Butcher Ehrhardt’s blog, www.liebjabberings.wordpress.com. Alicia credits Barb Morgenroth at The Passive Voice, for revealing the pulp-o-mizer.

Go play with this cool tool, called the pulp-o-mizer, at http://thrilling-tales.webomator.com/derange-o-lab/pulp-o-mizer/pulp-o-mizer.html.

See how your cover would look if it were pulp-o-mized. It’s not a word you get to say every day, so enjoy it while it lasts. 🙂

Chris McMullen

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